Monday, February 06, 2006

Half Time

Whoever is in charge of the Super Bowl Half Time Show should be dragged out into the street and whipped with Terrible Towels until they can spell Roethlisberger backwards.

Why go to the birthplace of Motown and drag the oldest British rockers we can find and put them out on stage to use up whatever dignity they had left. I really don't have anything against the Rolling Stones, but come on. Can't we find someone born after the invention of color T.V.? How about an American? I guess I should be thankful that they didn't invite Janet Jackson or worse, Michael Jackson back for an encore.

I think the Super Bowl should abandon their ill advised attempts at being hip. No more faltering pop stars or geriatric rockers. Instead bring in the best marching bands in America. Celebrate the heroes of Super Bowls past. Bring some X-games Freestyle Motocross champions or some Monster Trucks on to the field. Whatever… just do something different. It is just getting too painful to watch.

YEAH. i couldn't agree more.

the star spangled banner was just awful too.
We didn't even watch it. Instead we watched The Simpsons. Even a half rate episode of the The Simpsons is better than a great half time show.
I should have switched over to the Simpsons... I kept waiting for it to get good... but it never did.
Through the Miracle of the DVR I didn't watch any of that crap. I waited until about 7:30 to start watching the game, and fast-forwarded through all the nonsense.

By the way, is it just me or was that one of the most boring superbowls ever?
Without a doubt, one of the worst Super Bowls ever from start to finish. Why do we put up with this?
I'm just glad mick jagger didn't have any wardrobe malfunctions. ewwwwwwww.
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