Wednesday, February 15, 2006

In Honor of Andy

In spite of my inability to form complete intelligent sentences at the time, I could not resist the opportunity to get photo with one of America's great tough guys. He was very gracious, especially given I was tearing him away from his date on Valentine's Day... come to think of it, I was probably risking a good butt kicking.

Clearly a photoshop job. The giveaway is the fact that you are not bleeding profusely from having your ass kicked.
Nope... not photoshop... the real deal.
I set it as my wallpaper on my home computer, I was gonna do it at work, buuuut I've got the 2004 World Champion Boston Red Sox celebrating after winning the World Series as my wallpaper and I still can't bear to part with it.
He has nice teeth.
Yeah, and the beard. its amazing.
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