Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A tribute to the most loyal car I ever owned.

From late summer of 1994 to late spring of 1999, I was the owner of a 1986 Z24 Cavalier. In true "you don't know what you've got until it’s gone" form, I have come to miss that little car. It was emblematic of a simpler time. V-6, nice sounding exhaust, aluminum wheels, ground effects, bucket seats, roll up windows, and no A/C. The A/C wasn't broken... it just didn't come with it. The license plate: Maine 4976 RR.

It was a very loyal car. Only once did it fail to deliver me to my destination. Water pump gave out in Newport News, VA on the way from Maine to Virginia Beach. It tried to make it... only had another 20 or so miles to go.

One other time it broke a CV Shaft, but that was my fault. I frequently abused the car with burn outs and emergency brake induced 180s... I had just watched Days of Thunder, and... well you get the picture. I also almost totaled it once leaving my friend Andy's house by driving in to a stone wall to avoid a deer. Stupid deer.

My brother-in-law backed his minivan into the side of it once. Stupid George.

My college roommate once asked me why a car enthusiast would be content driving a "primer grey" Z24 Cavalier. I was never more offended. Stupid Rich.

It carried me through the highs and lows of college and grad school... and all the crap that happened in between. As the end of grad school neared I traded the old girl in towards a pickup. For as much as they gave me for it, I should have kept it. Stupid Rob.

There is a similar car available on eBay. It's a little rough. Maybe, I will keep my eyes open for a coupe with red interior.

I am sorry Z24 Cavalier. You were a good car and you deserved to be treated better. I hope you are in a more comfortable place.

Ahh yes. Whenever I see one of those little darlings I think of you.

I remember a beautiful 180 maneuver you pulled in downtown south berwick straight into a parking space. Just like in the movies. It was beautiful to watch.

You should hold out for a grey one with red interior.

I have similar feelings towards my 82 Regal. I didn't own it as long as you owned this one, but I regret all the time letting it get away.

Oh yeah, and thanks for not calling me stupid.
I understand completely. I had an 88 Camaro that I have always regretted getting rid of. That was the most reliable car that I have ever owned (and the most fun).
Before I had my baby girl and we bought a "family car" I had a little silver Hyundai Coupe, complete with spoiler and loud music!! It was my "single girl" car and I was so sad to see it go as it had not skipped a beat from the day I bought it. Turns out the family car (Black Holden Astra)is now a "single girl with baby" car. Stupid Ex.
rob - got any pictures of it?

skape7 - the only reason i have ever heard of a Holden is because the new Pontiac GTO is based on one. Your's probably isnt the one that its based on though.
I have some pictures, but they are not in electronic form. Dangit.
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