Friday, May 26, 2006

Random Thoughts and Excuses

As if this blog is good for anything but random thoughts and excuses...

1. I was going to do a post about how in my twenties I never drank coffee, and now, in my thirties I drink two or three cups a day. Then this morning I spilled a 16oz cup all over my desk. Stupid coffee, I am not writing about you today.

2. Last night, I had a Big A moment when a stranger made a comment about my pickup. "Is that your work vehicle?" What the heck does that mean? It's not that messy, it just has some tools in the back of the cab. Guess I am going to have to get it washed this weekend.

3. Fox News is covering the play-by-play of a possible emergency situation on Capitol Hill. The news network is being a little ridiculous in its level of alarmism. Instead of adopting a wait and see approach, they are interviewing ever random person they can find to go over their total lack of information.

4. Rumor has it that The Satan House (see previous post) is going on the market this weekend. As part of the preparations the owner put new sod (grass and soil) in the backyard. This sounds like a good idea, but the backyard is a fenced in area of about 400 square feet. That means whoever buys the house will have to regularly mow an area the size of a postage stamp ever week or two. No thanks.

5. The blogger spell checker doesn't recognize the word "blog." Stupid blogger.

6. I predict a Honda will win the Indy 500 this weekend. If it does I am going to suggest to my wife that it is a sign that I should buy a 450r.

If I had a postage-stamp sized backyard I would get one of these so I would never have to worry about it.
Btw... A Honda won the Indy 500, just as I predicted.
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