Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Business Casual

Not only did Dawn land a great job in a great city, but her new office has a business casual policy. I have never had a full-time job that allowed business casual. The concept is foreign to me. You mean you come home from work and you don't have to immediately change your clothes? That would mean I would have time to take the dog out before the Simpsons come on.

Over memorial day weekend I was at home getting ready for a party at our house. I put on a Red-Sox Tshirt, Khaki shorts (and of course my socks/sandals combo). My three-year-old son asked me why I was getting dressed to go to work. :)

Where I work, if you wear a tie, or a suit jacket to work, you are immedately greeted with suspicion. It is assumed that if you are dressed like that, you had an interview somewhere else that day....
Some things never change, though - like you, the first thing I do when I get home is immediately change into something even MORE causual, like soccer shorts and a t-shirt with a bunch of holes in it.
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