Monday, June 12, 2006

By the numbers update

Sins of the week (at least the ones I can remember):
12-ozs of Prime Rib from Outback Steakhouse (1 Sweet Potato side and Caesar Salad)
1 Fried Haddock Dinner from Blue Ridge Seafood (with fries, 2 hushpuppies, Cole slaw, part of an oyster appetizer and samples of other tasty ocean based treats.) (Incidentally, why anyone would name a seafood restaurant after a mountain range is beyond me.)
1 Hamburger and Fries for Lunch
3 Cups of Jell-O

As all can plainly see, I was not well disciplined in my diet last week and I was therefore rewarded with no progress since the previous weigh-in. Still at X-5, unless I step on the scale near the vanity and then for some reason it reads X-8, but sadly, I think the X-5 reading is the accurate one.

That's ok - losing weight at the rate of 5 lbs per week is generally considered to be a bad thing. 5 lbs over 2 weeks is a lot more reasonable anyway.
1. Drooling over the prime rib
2. Could "Blue Ridge" be something to do with waves? Sounds like something a surfer would say.
3. What is a hushpuppy?
hmmm.. I wonder what a real Australian would think about the Outback Steakhouse.
From wikipedia:

Hushpuppies or Hush puppies is an American term for small cornmeal breads that are deep fried in a spherical or oblong shape. The usual ingredients include cornmeal, flour, eggs, salt, baking soda, milk, and water, and can include onions and pepper. Sometimes, pancake batter is also used.

Hushpuppies are a distinctly Southern food, associated with cajun dishes and soul food. One story dates them back to 1727, claiming they were created by Ursuline Nuns who came to New Orleans from France. The Nuns named them croquettes de maise. The name hushpuppy is explained by various stories involving the centeral theme of throwing this cornmeal goodie to a dog (puppy) with the command 'quiet!' or 'hush!'.
skape - don't feel bad. I grew up in this country and never heard of hush puppies until I went to Ohio for college.
i used to like hush puppies. i would get them whenever we went out to eat in west virginia, but i dont really anymore. they are very dry and i dont like the onions that they put in them.
Ah! Thanks! Hushpuppies sound interesting - and so much easier just to ask about them than to actually google them for myself.

Aakerberg - the Outback Steakhouse? In America? You are definately gonna have to let me in on the menu of that one, then I will tell you what a real aussie thinks of it! But I'm already trying hard not to laugh.
I am not a big fan of hush puppies either. To me they just taste like fried breading. Don't get me wrong - I didn't get to be the Man I am today by hating fried foods, but I need to have something INSIDE the breading.

skape, go to Outback's Website
if you want to check them out. The food is really good, but I have my doubts about the authenticity of the Australian theme.... :)
Australians don't know about Outback Steakhouse?!?!? I feel so disillusioned.
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