Thursday, June 01, 2006

Short Changed

The Colorado quarter is about to come out and I still don't have a copy of the Nebraska quarter. Dang it.

The ten year schedule is available on the US Mint's Web site. It's interesting to note that the Maine quarter had the smallest mintage numbers.

When the quarters first started coming out in 1999, I started collecting one of each state. If I found a copy of state quarter that was in better shape than the one I had I would switch them out. This process insured I would continually improve the quality of the quarters in my collection. This process continued through the summer of 2003 creating a nice set of all the quarters released in the program up to that point. Then I got one of those nifty map things to hold my quarters. Excited I went to retrieve them and place them in the map. Unfortunately, my new wife had discovered where I was storing them and assumed they were spare change. Gone. They were all gone. Heartbroken I had to begin collecting again. This is the only time my wife's thriftiness caused me grief.

if you are having trouble locating specific states, let me know. i have a jug of change i could look in.
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