Friday, July 07, 2006

Warren's World

My folks were in town last weekend to visit the new baby. We had a very nice time and a few laughs.

My favorite moment was while we were driving through town and my dad pipes up and says, "wow, look at her, it must be freezing out there." Confused, I look to see a women of middle eastern heritage wearing culturally appropriate attire.

I will admit I was a little weirded out by Dad's attire during his visit. He wore shorts every day, which is particulary odd given I have seen him wear shorts about 5 times over the course of my entire life. I was reminded of Frank Costanza and his precious cruise wear.

wow. your dad in shorts. i've never seen that. i can't even imagine it.

another person who i could never imagine wearing shorts: Russhole's dad.
I have a hard time imagining Russhole's dad without a hat.
Ooo. very true. or engaging in conversation.
My mom once stopped by Russhole's house to pick me up. Russhole's mom was in the shower, but his dad was in the living room. With Russhole's mom out of the picture he was down right boisterous... a real conversation with smiles and laughs.
no kidding...

that reminds of once at their camp. we were at the neighbors and they were shooting their bows. he was pretty jovial with the other neighbor guys.
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