Friday, August 25, 2006

ATV Ovals

This week I had to replace the ATV oval sticker on the back of my truck. The old one lasted about three years.

I sold over a hundred of these on eBay over about 9 months. Between the listing fees and postage, the only time I made a decent profit on a sale was when someone bought more than one at a time. This frequently happened, but not frequently enough to keep it up.

Well, its safe to assume that everyone that bought one will soon see it deteriorate like mine did over the last two months. I think I better keep a low eBay profile for a while longer.

Mine looks great, but is only about 5-6 months old. I have had a lot of comments on it though. Are they or will more be available?
I think I have 20 or so of the ATV ovals and 20 or so of the MX ovals.
You should order some more. Maybe people will start having to replace theirs.
yeah, i just noticed mine was curling up around the edges. its still good though. plus, i have a spare.
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