Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lost Signal

I knew it would happen someday and quite frankly I am surprised it took this long to happen. On Sunday, I lost my cell phone. Not just misplaced, I've done that lots of times, I mean really lost it, outdoors, no where to be found.

This is particularly troublesome considering I am traveling back and forth to Richmond for work and my cell phone is my only link home in the evenings and while on the road.

Thankfully, a landscaper found it and tried numbers stored in the phone until he found my wife and then returned the phone to her. I'll get it from her tonight.

So, if you got a call from a random landscaper who seemed confused, now you know why. He was trying to be a good Samaritan. On the other hand, according to the call log he or someone who works with him also tried to place several international calls from the phone, so he is obviously not too concerned with becoming too good of a Samaritan.

Nice cover up, but we know those international numbers were the locations of your various safe houses.
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