Friday, September 22, 2006

Double Stuffed

Yesterday, I visited the local Target store to pick up some essentials. After browsing in a few aisles, (Sidebar: Hot Wheels were on sale for 68 cents and I picked up a sweet Firebird for my son's collection. Sidebar appendix: one of the great things about having a son is that I have an appropriate excuse for my Hot Wheels addiction. End sidebar.) I went to the diaper section to resupply the troops in Alexandria. After two phone calls to my lovely wife (MLW), I was confident I had made the right selection. I decided I would reward myself for this unselfish act by selecting a confectionery treat to enjoy after leaving the store.

When I arrived in the cookie aisle I was confronted with 12, I repeat 12, varieties of OREO cookie. I had no idea. I remember when there were three varieties: plain, double-stuf, and the crappy store brand. Now there are caramel, mint, chocolate covered, white fudge, golden original, mini, seasonal (Halloween), something called an uh-oh and various combinations of the aforementioned. Uh-oh is right. I needed a score sheet to keep track. I gave up and decided to forego the treat for another time. Sometimes you just can't improve on the original no matter how hard you try.

You should do a taste test on all of them and report your findings here.

other than the originals kinds, I like the golden ones. they remind me of the crappy store brand kind from childhood, but they taste good.
whats an uh oh? is that when on of the cookie parts is backwards but in this case they did it on purpose?
An uh-oh is a golden cookie with a chocolate center.

I've tried the golden ones, too. Those were pretty good.
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