Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One-Bolt Theory

Astronauts Lose Another Bolt to Space

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Astronauts working to bring to life a new 17 1/2-ton addition to the international space station lost another bolt to the void during a spacewalk early Wednesday.

"I did not see it go," MacLean said. "I'm looking to see if anything is floating."

He said that the astronauts simply used three bolts for the task instead of four, and that there shouldn't be a problem with that.

A couple things about this story... First, I totally understand their pain. I have lost tons of bolts while working on cars, trucks, boats, household items, and ATVs; and I had the advantage of gravity and normal clothes. With age and experience I have become more careful at keeping track of stuff, but it still happens from time to time. Second, I don't think I have ever successfully used three fastners in place of four, but hopefully in this case it will be fine.

When it comes to working on mechanical things, I have a theory. I call it the "One-Bolt Theory." After the fall of man, God told Adam and Eve that the ground was cursed and would require more work to yield food. Adam would have to toil and sweat. Well, I sometimes think that this curse extended to mechanical devices, because there is often one bolt, or one part of a repair job that is more difficult than it should be. Ergo, the one-bolt theory.

Oh sure, 3 bolts will do just fine. Once I lost a lug nut to my Ford Tempo, so I used three to attach the wheel. That worked out well, and this is just a spacecraft. It should be fine.

I think the ground is a living entity, and it holds a grudge against mankind for removing elements of it from the ground, so it seeks to reclaim what little bits of iron it can.
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