Sunday, February 25, 2007

Two Weeks?

My wise friend, Big A, once told me, "the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two weeks." I am putting this principle to the test.

On Saturday, I went to my local Superduper Clips for a much needed haircut. I sat down in the chair and said what I say every time I get in a barber's chair, "#4 clipper, off the ears, tapered in the back." The lady clippered my hair, then pulled out a trimmer to do my neck and sideburns. These trimmers were the electric equivalent of a rusty cast-iron sickle bar mower. Rather than cutting the hair, it was removing it ten or so hairs at a time. It hurt, but I stayed quiet. After four or five painful attempts she decided to try another set. A little better, this time it was like an orbital sander rubbing the hair off. The third time was the charm, the third set seemed to work fine.

Apparently this process was messy because the lady then pulled her clippers back out and did the sides and back all over again. By this point, it was looking pretty short. So, she asked me, "is that too short?" Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to say? Yes it was too short, but what was she going to do? Does Superduper Clips have some kind of magic hair lengthening gel? And if so how much does it cost? So I said the only thing I could, "it's fine."

I haven't had a haircut so short since tenth grade. This may take longer than two weeks, but thankfully it grows fast.

No Pictures?
I HATE supercuts. I may never go to one again. The only place that is worse is Walmart.
I went to the Beauty School place in Dover once... the place where students cut your hair... that was the worst experience ever. It took forever.
oh, that's the worst. My mom used to take us to the NH Technical college in concord for teeth cleanings. You can get your teeth cleaned for $5, but it takes THREE HOURS.
Ooo. I can't wait to see it.

Three weeks ago, I got my haircut at Walmart. The place I went the last time closed early on the day I decided to get a haircut. And I HAD to have it done that day. So I went across the parking lot to Walmart.

To make a long story short, when she was done the haircut looked fine but after two weeks it had grown out so weird that I had to have it done again last friday (by a real hair cutter) to fix the damage. it was that bad.
Hey Big A , L-dub was my patient when I was learning to take dental x-rays at NHTI in was free and he loved it!! I gave him a great hair cut once too!!
The worst haircut I ever got in my life was given to me by my wife. Way worse than anything Walmart has ever done to me. Worse than the time my Mom did it at 6 a.m. before her eyes were all the way open.
BigA - That was the ONLY time I was a patient of her's. It was also the LAST time she gave me a hair cut.

I can't remember which one was more painfull. The physical pain in my mouth or the ridicule from all that noticed my new hair cut.

I swear it hasn't grown back correctly since. :)
Once again, we're back to Big A's procrastination issues. Waiting till the last minute. I never claimed to know how to cut hair.
oh, no - that wasn't a last minute thing. I know that because I had enough time to go down to the local beauty shop and have them fix it.
Hey gagknee, remember the time you asked nurseatnight to cut your hair? If I remember correctly you took you hat off, she cut your hair, you looked in the mirror, and then put your hat back on.
what's worse a bad hair cut that you paid for or a bad free hair cut??
i judge hairdressers by how hot they are-- not by how well they can cut hair. and by using this method, wal-mart is by far the worst.
hahaha. yeah. i remember that rich. i was going to comment about it but i didn't want to offend anyway (because you know how conscious of that i am).
thats why i went to mikes hair cutter when i was in town.
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