Thursday, April 19, 2007

Superflous Capitals

Who decided technology related brand names should have capital letters in the middle of their names? BlackBerry, WordPerfect, QuickPlace, JavaScript, BigFix, and so on and so on... I think it may be one more subtle way that geeks illustrate their inflated sense of self-importance.

you're right. it does stem from geeks. variable names in programming are often capitalized in such a way, so its only natural that techie products would be named in the same manner.
Andy's right. The are many standards for developers that require it.
The CLI for our box requires you to use these for entering commands. It actually has a name - "BumpyCase".

By the way, CLI stands for Command Line Interface. Acronyms are another way that geeks make themselves feel smarter than regular folk. Of course, you've worked for the Federal Government for years, so you probably know what that's like.
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