Saturday, May 26, 2007

Smart Frog

When I was a kid, my dad told me to work smart not hard. This little frog was working hard, but he was being smart too. When our porch light is on the bugs gather and get annoying. I guess this frog decided he wanted a piece of the action, because he was only about a foot from the light when I headed in from the garage tonight. I usually shut the light off when I come in, but tonight I decided to leave it on a little while longer.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Dare Devil Squirrels

The two lane road from our neighborhood to the main road is home to a large number of dare devil squirrels that routinely run around and in front of cars. A couple weeks ago, I even saw one jump up and jump off the side of a moving car. Well, this morning one of them didn't make it. Score one for the Dodge Dakota.

Friday, May 18, 2007

My White Whale

As I strive to live vicariously through OBB, I have been assembling a small fleet of Mighty Tonka Construction Vehicles. In this quest, I have set out after my white whale... an affordable T-9 Bulldozer in decent condition. The one picture went for nearly $130 on EBay. This may take awhile.

Monday, May 14, 2007

No Accountability

Yahoo! has decided to eliminate the storage constraints in their free e-mail service. Unlimited storage... any remaining incentive I had to delete old e-mail is now gone. Too bad most of the e-mail I received is from Nigerian businessmen in need of a business partner and my bank account.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Today's Pearls Before Swine sums up the sad evolution of this blog.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

CTU Headquarters?

Because of construction around the building I work in, this week I had to start parking several blocks away in a parking garage and walk in. The parking garage elevator opens into an attached office building lobby. The building is relatively new and the lobby is quite nice with granite and brass and the like. As I walked through I decided I would try the building’s café for my morning coffee.

“Could I have some coffee?” I asked. “Sure,” replied the helpful café worker, “you want decaf or regular?” “Regular,” I responded. “I’ll make you some right now.”

“WHAT?!? It’s 8:20 in the morning and you don’t have any coffee made?” Maybe that building is just a façade for some kind of super secret government program or a bunch of lawyers that don’t start work until around noon and play golf in the afternoon.

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