Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I built my own...

Six speed manual, 5.7l Hemi...

Now I just need a $32,000 dollar windfall. You can build your own here.

I would need a few more grand for some different wheels, exhaust, and sound system.

Friday, July 04, 2008

OBB's Cup Holder

"I ain't gonna fall for no sippy cup in the tailpipe."

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

96 MPG in a Dodge Dakota V8 4x4

I have been leaving my beloved car in the garage for the last week. The weather has been nice, but I have found a better way to work... or at least a cheaper way. $4 a gallon gasoline has pushed me to join a car pool.

I have officially become a cliche. I work in a cubicle, live in the suburbs, and ride to work in a car pool. If I count EDD as .3 kids, the circle will be complete.

As much as I enjoy driving my car, riding to work and doing the math on how much money I am saving is quite a delight. 96 MPG out of a pickup is better than any hybrid. If I wanted to leave my Mustang at the park and ride (which I don't) I could stretch my mileage to 144 MPG. A guy has to have his limits.

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