Wednesday, July 02, 2008

96 MPG in a Dodge Dakota V8 4x4

I have been leaving my beloved car in the garage for the last week. The weather has been nice, but I have found a better way to work... or at least a cheaper way. $4 a gallon gasoline has pushed me to join a car pool.

I have officially become a cliche. I work in a cubicle, live in the suburbs, and ride to work in a car pool. If I count EDD as .3 kids, the circle will be complete.

As much as I enjoy driving my car, riding to work and doing the math on how much money I am saving is quite a delight. 96 MPG out of a pickup is better than any hybrid. If I wanted to leave my Mustang at the park and ride (which I don't) I could stretch my mileage to 144 MPG. A guy has to have his limits.

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