Monday, October 13, 2008

Trailer 2.1

The fender and the gate are repaired. The welding is complete. I like welding. I wish I were better at it. There is something cool about clamping two pieces of steel together and joining them with an electrical arch and molten metal.

It hurts when you get a burning spark or ten on your skin. Especially when it lands on your scalp. I am supposed to give blood this week. I wonder what they are going to do when they see my forearms.

Next up... paint. I think I'm going try to use a roller on the mesh parts.

wouldn't it be better to spray the mesh?
I am worried it would create a lot of over spray.
well, yeah - you don't want to do it in your living room - or right next to your mustang.

Outside in the driveway, though, with a big piece of cardboard or scrap plywood/paneling/sheetrock/whatever behind it? that would probably be fine.
Why would I want to get more paint on a piece of plywood than on the trailer?
cause then you have have a piece of wood with a really cool mesh design on it.

Also, with a roller, I would be worried about drips. Although, being a trailer, it doesn't really matter.
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