Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Random Rants

To automakers of the world: Why can't your cars have a decent hook to hold drycleaning or other articles of clothing on a hanger. It can't possibly be that expensive to include a hook that is strong enough, big enough, and easy to use to hold a few dress shirts.

To movie makers of the world: Can't seem to sell many tickets these days? Demand dropping off? It could be the product. It could also be the ticket prices. $9.50 a ticket? Maybe if it didn't cost $40 to go see a movie and get some popcorn we would go a little more often.

To the idiots on I-95 this morning: If you are driving in a hard rain, in the left lane, at 55-60 mph, you don't need your warning flashers on. It's just annoying. Cut it out.

Have you ever considered that you have too many dress clothes? You are still having trouble getting used to "business casual", aren't you?

I think it is the product. Frankly, when I get the opportunity to get away and go out with my wife once in a while, I don't really care how much the movie costs, I just don't want to waste such precious time on a bad movie.
I am digging the business casual... but I suspect my business casual may be a little different than your business casual.
yeah, probably. business casual for you is probably what I call "Church Clothes"
Rob, I bet your business casual doesn't include wearing sandals and socks like Big A.
It certainly does not.
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