Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tobey the Frenchman

I saw someone at work that reminded me of Tobey, a high school classmate.

So I Googled him... I appreciate it when people are easy to find on the Internets.

Based on the photo, Tobey and his wife have a new little frenchy.

Holy Socks.

This is my wife's worst nightmare.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Grim Reaper

"A Connecticut woman who just last week set a record as the world's oldest person has died, her great-nephew said on Monday. She was 114."

Note to self: never become the world's oldest person... the world's oldest person is always dying. Just when you get to the top... bam! you're done.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Buzz Donuts

This sounds like an investment opportunity... or the premise of an episode of The Simpsons.

DURHAM. N.C. (AP) - That cup of coffee just not getting it done anymore? How about a Buzz Donut or a Buzzed Bagel? That's what Doctor Robert Bohannon, a Durham, North Carolina, molecular scientist, has come up with. Bohannon says he's developed a way to add caffeine to baked goods, without the bitter taste of caffeine. Each piece of pastry is the equivalent of about two cups of coffee.

While the product is not on the market yet, Bohannon has approached some heavyweight companies, including Krispy Kreme, Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks about carrying it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mondays. Only Garfield hates them more.

"Today, say experts, is the unhappiest day in the entire year. Unpaid Christmas bills, nasty weather, and failed New Year's resolutions combine to make January 22 the gloomiest in the calendar."

And then add that the Patriots losing to the Colts and people all over New England have to lock up their sharp objects.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Guido? Where for Art Thou Guido?

Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 19:23:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Christopher R.
Subject: New Phone and Address

All, (When you say all, you really mean almost everyone in your address book and several people more than once.)

We have successfully moved and are getting settled into our new house. (That's good. I hate moving.)

Our new contact information is ## Blank Ln, Eliot, ME 03903 (Did I get a Christmas Card this year?... I know gagknee did. I saw it on his wall.)

Home Phone - 603-###-#### (vonage) (603? is this your way of fooling people into believing you live in NH.)

Take care and Talk to Most of you soon, (Most of us? I guess I am probably not going to be among the privileged.)

Chris, M___, H___ and R___

Christmas is Over

The next door neighbors' lighted reindeer and trees disappeared on Monday, a mere two weeks into the New Year.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Read the first line - E

Because I am getting old, I had to go to the eye doctor today. I like my new eye doctor. We talked about ATVs. I like anyone that likes to talk about ATVs.

After looking at my eyes, he sat back and started asking me non-ATV related questions. Puzzled he asked, "Do you wear contacts?" No, I answered. "You don't smoke..." Nope, I responded. "Your eyes are very angry," he said. "Well, I did sand joint compound in a room I am painting last night." "That explains it," he said.

It was kind of like eating a package of Oreos and going to the dentist.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We are not in Kansas

A couple pictures of my grandparents' backyard in North Berwick, ME after it was hit by a small tornado. It's hard to appreciate the damage without a "before" picture. But, consider that it was so thick with pine trees that it was difficult to walk through and little or no sunlight made it through the trees. I was shocked when I saw that it had become a barren wasteland of stumps.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Smarter Pass

This week I started using the Smart Pass my lovely wife (MLW) ordered for us to use on the local toll roads we frequently travel. In fact, I travel these toll roads everyday on my way to work. I am a big fan of the Smart Pass technology. It saves gas, brakes, and it even provides us a discounted rate for the tolls. It also means I interact with 3-4 fewer people each day. The drivers in the Smart Pass lane actually appear to be smarter than the people in the exact change or full service lanes. If not smarter, they are at least more experienced. When I used the exact change or full service lanes I would get stuck behind some slow-poke needing special assistance every couple days. So long slow-pokes, I’m in the Smarty Lane now.

Monday, January 08, 2007

O' Christmas Deer

Today is January 8th... the official grace period for putting away your Christmas decorations has ended.

Most people in my neighborhood have complied with this principle of decorations etiquette. Except for one. The neighbor directly next door to me. Each night, as I pull in my driveway I am greeted by two Christmas trees made of multi-colored lights and three white lighted reindeer (two small and one large). The large reindeer moves his head. All are lighted all day and all night.

(Sidebar- what is the deal with the lighted reindeer? They were everywhere this year. End-Sidebar)

Since Christmas, we have had 5 or more days of over 70 degree weather, so that is no excuse. If they don't take it down soon I may be forced to take action inspired by the picture below.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sesame Seeds of Freedom

This morning, on my way to work, I got behind an unmarked police car. No markings whatsoever, but it was a Crown Victoria and it had LED lights in the back window.

Anyhow, it did have one "mark" that I though was peculiar. Just out of sight of the driver, the top half of a sesame seed bun with a bite out of it was stuck on the rear window. At first, I thought it was a donut. I can only assume it was stuck to the window by a civil libertarian as part of a new form of protest. Be on the look out for other acts of civil disobedience. Either that or some rednecks at Hardee's were angry that they were asked to leave after loitering for more than 5 hours.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Let's Skip Winter

So far old man Winter has pretty much been a no show. If he is going to be a snob and grace us with his presence in a belated fashion, I say we un-invite him to the schedule of seasons. We can just let Fall hang around until Spring rolls in. He blew us off for Christmas. Apparently, he was too busy hanging out with his real friends in Colorado to be bothered with us. He apprantly thinks he can take us for granted. Well, we have dignity and we will not stand for being treated like second-class citizens. Winter, don't bother coming around this year, we can manage without you.

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